Prep • Package • Present

Enhance the beauty and features of your home with home staging.
CHC Home Staging can guide you on how to best prepare, present and package your
property to stand out from the competition and maximize results. 

The following statistics express the unique advantages that professionally-staged properties have over the competition:

Increased Value

58% of Seller’s Agents said Staging Increases the Dollar Value of the Home

Easier Visualization

83% of Buyers Find it Easier to Visualize a Staged Home as Their Future Home

sell faster & for more

Staged Homes Sell 88% Faster For up to 20% More

less time on the market

Homes Staged Prior to Going on the Market Sell in 90% Less Time than on Staged Homes

What is Home Staging? & How Home Staging works

Home staging is the marketing strategy to best prepare a private residence for sale in the residential real estate marketplace. The goal of staging is to make a home attractive to the highest number of potential buyers to sell the property swiftly and for more money. Staging techniques focus on maximizing a property's appeal to enable potential buyers to visuaize the property as their own.  Staging provides a competitive advantage by enhancing a home's best features and creating an environment to incentivize buyers to make an offer right away. While staging is not a requirement to sell your home, it can make a significant difference on the outcome. 

How does Home Staging work?
Did you know, buyers typically spend an average of 6 minutes in a home, but they form an opinion in the first 15 seconds? There are six different ways that home staging affects a buyer’s perception of a home;

  • Increases perceived size
  • Raises perceived value
  • Reduces perceived negatives
  • Highlights perceived positives
  • Enhances perceived condition
  • Promotes perceived lifestyle

STAGING GIVE YOU Competitive Edge regardless of market conditions.

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Owner - Lead Stager - Allison Fernandez

A New Jersey native, Allison grew up in Montclair and has lived throughout the Northern New Jersey areas of Summit, Madison, Chester and Mendham. She worked as a licensed real estate sales agent throughout Northern New Jersey from 2001-2017. As a seller’s agent, Allison routinely aided her customers to prepare their homes in order to be presented in the best way possible. Allison’s lengthy experience as an agent has offered her a deeper understanding of what buyers want and how they respond to a property. In addition, Allison has flipped several homes in Morris County and has managed renovations on her own homes as well as client properties.

At CHC Home Staging we believe that “staging” a property should be the final icing on the cake. Much of how a home looks and feels is attributed to the prep work. We guide our clients on how to best prepare, package and present their property for the highest return while prioritizing each customer’s unique home, circumstances, budget and timeline. Call CHC Today for a Staging Consultation to learn how to best prepare and present your own home now to make a lasting impression for today’s buyers.

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Staging Design logo

Why Choose Us?

We work on preparing, packaging, and presenting the home to appeal to the broadest possible homebuyer audience.

Consult With Our Stagers

Find out how we can elevate the appeal of your home to guarantee successful sales by contacting our team at CHC HOME STAGING. We are happy to discuss the best options and solutions for your property.

welcome home signage and plant